You can jump into Payday 2 and start planning heists without bankrupting yourself right now thanks to the latest Humble Bundle, which offers the base game and all of Payday 2’s 63 DLC packs, which contain a variety of heists and content packs, for as little as £19. The total value of this bundle is almost £175, so you’ll be saving around £156 if you get it for the lowest possible price. There’s 17 heist DLCs for you and your friends to take on, with the rest of the DLCs being weapon packs or skins to change your operator’s appearance. If you want to pay even less there are smaller Payday 2 bundles, like the 50 item bundle for £15 or the 36 item bundle for £10. Or if you just want to get the base game and buy DLC separately down the line, you can get it for just £1. As usual with Humble Bundles, all of the listed prices are the minimum amounts you need to pay to get the different size bundles.If you want to you can choose to pay more than needed and then you can choose where the money goes between the developer, the charities Cancerfonden and World Central Kitchen, or a charity of your choice via the PayPal Giving Fund. The Payday 2 bundle has only been out for a day but has already raised £5,647 for charity! Payday 2 is the action-packed sequel to the four-player co-op shooter Payday The Heist, and once again gamers can don the masks of the original crew - Dallas, Hoxton, Wolf and Chains - as they descend on Washington DC for an epic crime spree. With this bundle you and three friends can keep the hits and contracts coming with a massive wave of additional heists, weapons, mods, outfits, and other add-on content from the game’s long, larcenous history. If you want to get even more value for money from Humble you should consider their Humble Choice subscription, which this month gives you Deathloop to keep forever and gives you 20 per cent off across the Humble store. If you don’t want to miss any future Humble Bundles, or other sales on games, consoles, PC accessories and loads of other things, follow the Jelly Deals Twitter account so you stay up-to-date.