You’ll be able to buy a copy of the game in its version 1.0 launch build via Steam from 10pm UK time. It’s normally priced £23.79, though there’s a 10 percent discount for the next two weeks. The launch follows seven beta weekends where various aspects of the game were unlocked, bug-fixed and optimised. This period “worked really well for our team and the health of the game”, developer RocketWerkz said today. Hall first announced Icarus back at E3 2020, when he described it as an alien planet survival game where you must go on missions to gather resources and then survive until evacuation. You can then turn these resources into upgrades for your next trip, and so on. Icarus has since gone through a few changes, ditched its initial free-to-play plan, and pushed back its planned August 2021 launch in order to run those aforementioned beta weekends. “At launch Icarus will have 64 square kms of terrain to explore, over 35 missions ranging from days to weeks in duration,” RocketWerkz wrote. “It amazes us that there are thousands of people with well over 100 hours playing Icarus and we haven’t even fully launched.”