It’s worth pointing out that Remedy’s Control is already available through Xbox Game Pass on PC, but picking it up through Humble Choice means you’ll own it forever and not be at the mercy of Microsoft pulling it from the service on a whim. It looks stunning on PC, too. Next to these two leading stars, the March Humble Choice bundle is rounded out with ten other games. This includes the likes of side-scrolling strategy gem Kingdom Two Crowns, pyrokinetic stealth platformer Wildfire and tech-infused fantasy RPG Elex. I’ve popped the full list below:
Control XCOM: Chimera Squad Elex Kingdom Two Crowns WWE 2K Battlegrounds Hotshot Racing Peaky Blinders: Mastermind Cyber Hook Pesterquest Wildfire Boreal Blade Ageless
If you’re not aware of how Humble Choice works, it’s a little different to the usual bundle offerings. Instead, it’s a monthly subscription service that allows you to pick and choose from the collection of games on offer depending on your membership level. There’s a Basic membership for £11.99, which allows you to pick three of the available games each month. You also get access to the Humble Trove (a rotating library of extra games to download) and up to 10 per cent off all Humble Store purchases. Or there’s the Premium tier membership for £14.99, which bumps up the number of games you can choose to nine. You get the same access to the Humble Trove, plus 20 per cent off at the Humble Store. It’s not a bad deal when you consider that prices each game at under £2 - not forgetting all those extras, too. And even though Humble Choice is a subscription, you aren’t locked in for an extended period of time (unless you choose to be). Instead, you can simply sign up to pay for the month you want and then unsubscribe or skip months if the games on offer aren’t to your liking. For more of the latest offers and bargains on games, tech and more from across the net, do give us a follow at Jelly Deals.